Thursday, July 22, 2010

things my girlfriend and i have argued about

I usually do not laugh out loud when reading a book. It's usually a private experience but after reading the last two chapters of this book i had a large smirk on my face. The story in this book is not great because there is really no suspense (other than will the two main characters kill each other) and the book kind of just ends, but hey that is life some times. This book is not only a farce about the difference between men and woman but is also the difference between people from the U.K. and yes the Germans.  It is about  how woman from Germany are completely different from anything on this planet.
One must actually go look at Millington's Web site. A brief glimpse taken from the web site.
Nothing keeps a relationship on its toes so much as lively debate. Fortunate, then, that my girlfriend and I agree on absolutely nothing. At all.

Combine utter, polar disagreement on everything, ever, with the fact that I am a text-book Only Child, and she is a violent psychopath, and we're warming up. Then factor in my being English while she is German, which not only makes each one of us personally and absolutely responsible for the history, and the social and cultural mores of our respective countries, but also opens up a whole field of sub-arguments grounded in grammatical and semantic disputes and, well, just try saying anything and walking away.

Most of the story is entertaining as it one part Office Space on Valium, One part textbook relationship management with a splash of the John Irving obscure. but it the last two chapters (Kindle last 7 percent of the book) are as funny a story I have read in awhile.

Broom -played by "A broom" wins a sweep of literary awards for its compelling role in this book. 
I recomend reading this book as you will never view a broom the same, or maybe I am weird.

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